For International Students

SkyEagle is able to accommodate International Students wanting to study Professional Pilot Training in the United States. Below are the common FAQs for our incoming international students wanting to begin their training from zero time:

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1. What kind of visa is required?

As of November 10, 2018, we can only honor a SkyEagle sponsored M1 Student Visa for our international students coming into the United States for flight training.

2. Are bank statements or proof of funds required?

An international student must provide proof of funds via a bank statement prior to the start of the M1 Student Visa application process.

3. When does the training start?

Once the student receives TSA clearance and an M1 Visa, training may begin at any time being we train on a 1-1 basis around the student’s daily schedule.

4. Is there financing available?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide or refer financial institutions to international students. Financial arrangements must be made in the student’s home country prior to the start of the program.

5. What types of studies can be done while waiting for immigration paperwork?

Students may start studying prior to the start of training. We recommend reading “The Airplane Flying Handbook” and “Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge“.  SkyEagle also has a YouTube Channel with a variety of training tools for a first-time student pilot.

6. Are there employment opportunities?

Unfortunately, we are unable to extend the offer of employment to international students. However, we do have local and international referral sources we can make employment recommendations to.

7. What are the main advantages of SkyEagle over other flight schools?

Our management team and instructors are the most experienced in the industry contributing to a 90 percent-first time pass rate. Competitively priced, we are also one of the most flexible flight school in the country when it comes to scheduling and payment as we are focused on the needs and success of the student.

8. What are the additional costs not listed in the course outline?

There are examiner fees, pilot supplies, and living expenses not included in the course outline. International students also have immigration and TSA fees not specified in the course catalog.

9. What does TSA mean?

TSA — Transport Security Administration, provides the screening process to allow foreign students to commence flight training to obtain an FAA Pilot’s Certificate. For more information on starting the TSA process please click here: An international student may not conduct flight training until they have received the required TSA approval.

10. What if there are issues accessing

The TSA has transitioned to a new website and address: Please note that some countries may block access to US government portals, so using a VPN is recommended.

11. Can training be broken down into various parts?

Yes. Being that we are flexible and work around the student’s schedule, one may conduct training in various stages and return to finish the program at a later date.

12. Are housing and accommodation available?

Yes. We have student housing available (Rooms in our Single-Family Home) as well as corporate accounts with local hotels.

13. After graduation, how would one become employed in their home country with 250 flight hours?

One must seek employment in their home country that would allow a pilot to be hired with 250 hours. If this is difficult, the graduate has the option to build time here for a special discounted block rate which would make their log book more attractive to potential employers upon returning home.

14. How can I stay in the US after my training?

A graduate of the program is unable to stay in the US unless they are able to obtain a new visa as the current M1 Student Visa status would be on the verge of expiration.

15. What can I do with the FAA Pilot’s License, if I can not stay in the US and can not fly or build my career here?

The FAA certificate is universal and recognized by almost all major air carriers as it permits a pilot to fly any type of N-registered aircraft anywhere in the world. An FAA certificate is also easily converted to another country’s pilot certificate if it is required in that particular region.

16. Can the TSA suspend or cancel my Determination of Eligibility?

Yes, the TSA may suspend or cancel your Determination of Eligibility if your account information is not up to date, such as if your visa or other immigration documents expire.

17. How can I ensure my TSA Determination of Eligibility remains valid?

Make sure your account information, including your visa and other immigration documents, is kept up to date throughout the TSA’s five-year vetting period.

18. How often do I need to submit a TSA STA application?

You must submit a new TSA Security Threat Assessment (STA) application every five (5) years.

19. What is the enrollment process?

One may send an email to to request an enrollment form and other pertinent documents required for enrollment.  There are also international instructions that a student will be provided prior to enrollment.