- 16 years old to start program
- 17 years old for PPL
- Education: no requirements
- English: upper intermediate
- Medical: 3rd class
Acclerated PPL Program is for students who want to complete their training as expeditiously as possible. If you already have time in an airplane or rotorcraft but you don’t have a pilot certificate or you are an owner of a pilot certificate issued in any other country, this course is just for you!
Specifically geared for international students, we offer an intense training program for student pilots seeking to obtain their private pilot certificate. Our accelerated flight school program will help you become a licensed pilot in 5 weeks.
The syllabus of the program is in no way different from the standard private pilot part 141 curriculum but does require a more rigorous schedule. A traditional working day consists of two flights (morning and afternoon) and 3-4 hours of ground training, keeping the student engaged and in tune with all the skills and theory acquired. After the first week of this program, a student will be able to complete his first solo flight. The fifth week is devoted to preparing for the checkride ensuring theoretical and proficiency skills are met according to the ACS (Airmen Certification Standards) to successfully complete the check ride.
Accelerated Flight Training is used by the military and airlines because it optimizes your time, saves money, and builds stronger skills.
To complete the program in approximately 5 weeks, you need to be qualified and well-prepared.
Only if you meet all of these requirements can you expect to complete your training in the shortest possible time.
SkyEagle also offers three-day theoretical courses in accordance with various programs (PPL, Instrument, Commercial, CFI) to prepare students for their written exams. Students will have the opportunity to participate in these courses in person or on line as we have the advanced technology and capability to provide students a choice as to how they would like to conduct their class.
You can also study all available literature independently, or we strongly recommend the excellent Sporty’s Learn to Fly video course. As well as our online video lessons and SkyEagle YouTube Channel.
Students may also prepare and study for their written exams independently by utilizing our own distance theoretical training, which a student may take while learning from the comfort of their home. This method will escalate the learning process making learning more efficient prior to the start of the accelerated course.
For enrollment instructions, please follow the instructions below: