“In the summer of 2024, I realized I wanted to pursue a career as a pilot. I started by completing a Part 61 online ground course, earning my graduation certificate, and passing the PAR exam.
In October, I moved to Florida to begin my flight training journey. I visited six different flight schools of varying sizes, but the moment I walked out of SkyEagle, I knew it was the one for me. The atmosphere stood out – everyone there seemed genuinely excited and passionate about being part of the aviation world.
I signed up, met my instructor, and we started flying! Before I knew it, I was completing my first solo flight in the pattern, then flying cross-country across Florida and back, and even flying at night. Finally, on January 18th, I took my checkride. It all happened so quickly.
The checkride was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. However, once we got through the ground portion and started the first maneuvers, I realized it was just another flight. Even so, waiting for the final verdict once we landed was suspenseful. When I heard I had passed, the mix of relief, pride, and happiness was unforgettable.
I know there’s still a long way to go, but knowing that I can do it fills me with excitement and determination to keep flying.”
Nicolas Last, completed Part 141 PPL course