Cessna 172N | N1073F
IFR certified

Cessna 172

Cessna 172 is the most popular and widespread aircraft for initial training in the United States and has a deserved popularity among students and private pilots around the world.

Aircraft is easy to use with excellent aerodynamic characteristics, that is important for the beginners. Upper-wing opens an excellent view in all directions and provides a convenient access to the cab.

We use this type of aircraft for training private pilots, for Instrument rating and also to obtain necessary flight experience for commercial and professional pilots.

The aircraft is very popular for rent among our graduates. Private pilots prefer this aircraft for flights with family, friends or to master their flying skills.


100 kts cruise speed, maximum 120


13.800 feet


580 miles

Baggage compartment:

120 lbs

Gross weight:

2450 lbs

Useful load:

870 lbs


Lycoming IO-320


Garmin G5 set

2 com/nav (HSI / CDI)

Audio panel

Turn coordinator

Transponder GTX327

GPS Garmin G430